To say I'm depleted would be an understatement. I feel that in the war against the ear infections, we've clearly lost. We might have won a battle here and there, but the ear infections, they have clearly beaten us to a pulp. And my daughter is once again in pain.
I feel powerless. I wish I could trade places with her. I wish I could better advocate for her. I wish I could make all her pain go away. But I can't take her pain away. I don't know the right path to take for treatment. And while I hear about how Mom always knows, and to never doubt a Mom when she says her child is sick, I fear that I lack this intuition. And I'm ashamed when I miss the signs because it means my baby has been hurting for longer than necessary. Afterall, I'm her Mom. I'm the one that's supposed to know. And I just don't.