Friday, March 20, 2009

A rough couple of weeks

Our house has been the house of perpetual sickness.

Annabella's ear infection has turned into a war, with the ear infection winning the first couple of battles. She's now on her 3rd different antibiotic, which seems to be doing the trick finally.

We've also all had some wretched stomach virus. Jason and I were zombies last Friday, barely able to take turns taking care of our fussy baby. We thought she was fussy because we had no energy to play with her and she was bored. After her 6th round of nasty diapers for the day, we finally figured out that she was sick too. You'd think we would have figured it out after the first 3 or 4, but really, that's not a day out of the ordinary when she's on antibiotics.

Neither Jason or I feel especially great still and are guarding our tummies from anything too upsetting. I think Annabella's got it worse though because her new antibiotic actually makes her tummy upset. So she's been throwing up a little here and there, which isn't really like her.

I think we're almost out of the woods though. Annabella was in a much better mood this morning than she's been in for days, which is an indication that this round of antibiotics is actually working.

So yay for the light at the end of the tunnel.

1 comment:

Laurian Vega said...

Yikes! Cameron is on his second dose of antibiotics as well - he also has infections in both ears. Poor monkeys. It feels like he is completely incapable of fighting off any other sickness while he has these ear infections. I think we are now on this third cold. The joys! We're thinking of you guys!